Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The most popular sites for Programming Contests

(1) uva.onlinejudge.org : This is a balanced site having both easy and hard problems

(2) www.topcoder.com : This is a professional site, so why on a beginner's list? It is because one can get huge knowledge from this site.

(3) www.codechef.com : This is a site having various problems, I have not heard of it much, but came accross it a lot

(4) code.google.com/codejam : This is a balanced site having both easy and hard problems

(5) www.uvatoolkit.com/problemssolve.php : This is a helping site for input & output sets for UVa

1 comment:

  1. Nice sites...
    See also free C++ source codes, exercises and competitons for beginners. http://recurseit.blogspot.com
